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Wednesday, March 8, 2017



Pan troglodytes
Diese Menschenaffen sind unsere nächsten Verwandten im Tierreich. Sie gelten als die intelligentesten Tiere und faszinieren uns so sehr, weil ihr Verhalten dem unseren so ähnlich ist.

Schimpansen sind eine Gattung in der Familie der Menschenaffen, ebenso wie Gorillas, Orang-Utans und der Mensch.Sie haben den typischen Körperbau der Menschenaffen: Der Rumpf ist 70 bis 94 Zentimeter lang. Auf den Hinterbeine aufgerichtet sind sie 100 bis 170 Zentimeter groß. Die Weibchen sind deutlich kleiner als die Männchen und werden nur bis zu 130 Zentimeter groß.
Auch das Gewicht von Männchen und Weibchen unterscheidet sich: Männchen wiegen zwischen 35 und 70 Kilogramm, Weibchen bringen dagegen nur 25 bis 50 Kilogramm auf die Waage. Wie alle Menschenaffen besitzen Schimpansen keinen Schwanz.
Typisch für Schimpansen sind die Arme, die deutlich länger sind als die Beine.
An Händen und Füßen besitzen sie je fünf Finger beziehungsweise Zehen.Daumen bzw. großer Zeh können die Tiere den anderen Fingern bzw. Zehen gegenüberstellen, sodass Hände und Füße sich perfekt zum Greifen eignen und die Tiere zu wahren Kletterprofis machen. Das Fell der Schimpansen ist dunkelbraun bis schwarz.
Das Gesicht ist unbehaart und bei Jungtieren hell, bei erwachsenen Tieren dunkel. Auch Handflächen, Fußsohlen, die Oberseite von Fingern und Zehen und die Region um den After sind unbehaart. Die hervorstehende Schnauze und die Wülste über den Augen geben den Tieren ihr charakteristisches Aussehen.
Schimpansen haben ein kräftiges Gebiss – vor allem die Eckzähne der Männchen sind beeindruckend und können gefährliche Waffen sein.


Schimpansen kommen nur im westlichen und zentralen Afrika vor. Dort findet man sie Senegal, in Nigeria, in Norden und Osten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo sowie in Uganda und Tansania. Den nah verwandten Bonobo findet man dagegen nur in einigen Regionen der Demokratischen Republik Kongo.

Schimpansen leben, anders als Gorillas und Orang-Utans, in sehr unterschiedlichen Lebensräumen: Sie besiedeln den Regenwald, aber auch die Savanne, in der nur wenige Bäume wachsen.
Die Bonobos sind dagegen nur in Regenwäldern zu finden.

Rassen und Arten
Forscher teilen Schimpansen in vier Unterarten auf, die in unterschiedlichen Regionen Afrikas zu finden sind.
Außerdem gehört zur Gattung der Schimpansen noch der Bonobo (Pan paniscus), der zierlicher als der gewöhnliche Schimpanse ist.

In freier Wildbahn werden Schimpansen 30 bis 40 Jahre alt. In Gefangenschaft können sie bis zu 50 Jahre lang leben.

Süpermenin İngilizce Karakter Tanıtımı

Süpermenin İngilizce Karakter Tanıtımı

Superman is a famous character.

He is possibly the first modern superhero character. He was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1932, while they were still in high school. He first appeared in Action Comics issue #1 in 1938. Later, he appeared in movies, television series, cartoons, commercials, and radio shows. He is one of the most popular superheroes ever and the mascot of DC Comics.[source?]
Superman is from a planet called Krypton. His name was Kal-El. His father, Jor-El, found out that their planet was going to explode. Jor-El sent his baby son to Earth in a spacecraft to save him. Kal-El was found and adopted by Jonathan and Martha Kent. They named him Clark Kent. The Kents raised him as their own son in a town called Smallville, Kansas in the United States. There is a television series called Smallville about his time growing up there.
As he grows up, Clark finds out that he has special powers. He is indestructible (he cannot be hurt). He is strong enough to lift almost anything. He can fly. He can run and move faster than a bullet. He has X-ray vision (he can see through walls), and heat vision (he can shoot heat from his eyes). He can freeze things with his cold breath. He decides to use his special powers to fight crime and save people indanger. He wears a blue and red costume and cape to keep his alter ego (his real name) a secret. He saves the entire world many times.
He moves to a city called Metropolis, and becomes a reporter for the Daily Planet, a newspaper. He falls in love with another reporter, Lois Lane.
His only weakness is a radioactive rock from his home planet, called “kryptonite.” It makes him sick and weak. His enemies use it to hurt him. Blue Kryptonite makes people able to control him usinghypnosis, green slowly kills him, black makes him evil, and red has many different effects on him (each piece of red kyrptonite affects him differently). There is also gold, white, and jewel kryptonite.
His arch enemy is a bald (hairless), evil genius named Lex Luthor. He has other deadly enemies too. Bizarro is a clone of Superman, but the cloning effects made him look like a monster. He comes from another earth. Darkseid is a very powerful enemy. He is the ruler of the planet Apokolips.

patlıcan salatası tarifi ingilizce türkçe

Patlıcan salatası tarifi ingilizce türkçe

Serves 4 as a main dish, 6 as an appetizer
This classic dish is famous – charring adds a smoky flavor. In Arabic versions - tahini - sesame paste, is used.

3 large eggplants, unpeeled
2 tbsp. lemon juice
½ cup olive oil
salt to taste
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 cups plain yogurt Pierce the eggplants with a fork. Place them in a dry iron skillet over a high burner or under the broiler. If you can cook over charcoal, even better. Turn them and continue cooking for half an hour until the skin is charred on all sides and the eggplant is soft. Place on a plate to cool. Cut the eggplant lengthwise, and scoop out the pulp, avoiding the skin. Squeeze out the excess moisture, and mash with a fork. In a large bowl or processor, place the eggplant, and other spices with yogurt. Blend until it is a puree. Place on a bowl and garnish with olive or tomato slices. Chill for ½ hour before serving. This will keep for several days.
Meze olarak bir ana yemek olarak 4, 6 Kişilik
Bu klasik yemeğin ünlü – yanmaları dumanlı bir lezzet katıyor. Arapça sürümlerinde – tahin – tahin, kullanılır.

• 3 büyük patlıcan, soyulmamış
• 2 yemek kaşığı. limon suyu
• ½ su bardağı zeytinyağı
• tuz tadı
• 2 diş sarımsak, ezilmiş
• 2 su bardağı yoğurt
Bir çatal ile delmek patlıcan. Yüksek bir brülör üzerinden veya broiler altında tava bir kuru demir koyun. Eğer daha iyi kömür, üzerinde yemek durumunda. Bunları açmak ve cilt her tarafta kömürleşmiş ve patlıcan yumuşak kadar yarım saat yemek devam etmektedir. Soğutmak için bir tabak koyun. Uzunlamasına patlıcan kesme ve deri kaçınarak, hamuru kepçe. Bir çatal ile aşırı nem ve püre sıkmak. Geniş bir kapta veya işlemci olarak, patlıcan yerleştirin ve yoğurt ile diğer baharatlar. Bir püresi kadar karıştırın. Zeytin veya domates dilimleri ile bir kase ve garnitür üzerine yerleştirin. Servisten önce ½ saat Chill. Bu birkaç gün devam edecektir.

Sunday, March 5, 2017


West terrace, Mount Nemrut
Mount Nemrut (2552m) is located in southeastern Turkey, 87 km from Adıyaman, and is part of the Taurus Mountain range, above the Euphrates River valley. It is the site of extensive ruins of the tomb of Antiochos of the Commagene Kingdom (163 BC – 72 AD).
It is believed that the Seleucid Empire (312 BC- 63 BC) gained control of Commagene during the reign of the late 3rd-early 2nd century BC Seleucid king, Antiochus III the Great. This control lasted until c. 163 BC, when the local satrap, Ptolemaeus of Commagene, established himself as independent ruler following the death of the Seleucid king, Antiochus IV Epiphanes. The Kingdom of Commagene maintained its independence until 17 AD, when it was made a Roman province by the Emperor Tiberius. Mithridates I. brought together Persians and Macedonians and other communities in the area to form the powerful state. After Mithridates I, Antiochos I (69-36 B.C.) became the king of Conmmagene and developed his kingdom as a strategic crossroad on the important trade routes between Syria, Mesopotamia and Rome. The kingdom was at the height of its splendor during his time.
The sanctuary at the top of Mount Nemrut was built by Antiochos I for himself as a funerary monument. It is a conical shaped tumulus with a height of 50m and 150m diameter and made up of 50,000 cubic meters of gravel. There were three terraces in the sanctuary on the East, North and West sides. The remains of the sculptures, which once decorated all three, give some idea of the size and grandeur of Antiochus’ magnificent structure. Colossal heads of Apollo, Zeus, Hercules, and Antiochos I and several Greek and Persian gods surround the structure. The complex also includes a cave cistern, some reliefs and ruins of columns. The Commagene have been described as a semi-Iranian people that practiced the Zoroastrian faith and worshiped gods with combined Eastern and Western names like Zeus-Orimasdes and Apollo-Mithras.
The site was rediscovered in 1881 by Karl Sester, a German Archaeologist. In 1883, the site was visited by Osman Hamdi Bey, who was the founder and director of Istanbul Archaeological Museum. In 1984, German archaeologists, under the direction of Friedrich Karl Dörner of the University of Münster, began to survey and restore the monuments. The burial chamber of Antiochus has not yet been found.
On either side of the east terrace stand relieves of the King’s ancestors, paternal (Persian) to the north, maternal (Seleucid) to the south, framing the colossal figures of the gods (heads standing on the ground) facing the main altar. These include, in addition to eagles and lions, the Greco-Persian mixed deities Zeus – Oromasdes, Hercules – Verethragna – Artagnes – Ares, Apollo – Mithras – Helios – Hermes and Kommagene – Tyche, as well as Antiochus I himself.

Friday, March 3, 2017



List of Popeye Characters:

the original name of popeye
Popeye is a kind and loyal boyfriend to Olive Oyl, and sometimes surrogate father to Swee’ Pea. Popeye eats spinach to gain super-strength. Yes, Popeye certainly knows how to throw a punch or two. But he only starts fighting when he’s pushed too far. Popeye will often say “that’s all I can stands and I can’t stands no more!” before he is forced to fight. After Popeye eats spinach, his enemies do not stand a chance. Popeye has thinning hair, a squinty eye, and huge forearms.

Olive OylOlive (Safinaz) Oyl is Popeye’s sometime girlfriend. As well, she often hires Popeye and Bluto to do jobs for her, such as move furniture. Although she is quite smitten with Popeye, she is often quite disloyal, showing affection for Bluto – up until the point Bluto acts like a cad and Popeye must step in to set things straight. Olive Oyl is very skinny and has quite a shrill voice.

BlutoBluto,  also known as Brutus, is a sometimes friend and business partner of Popeye’s – but by the end of a cartoon, he’s usually revealed as Popeye’s enemy, competing for the attention of the fickle Olive Oyl. Bluto often manhandles Olive Oyl, necessitating her being saved by Popeye. Popeye is brawny and has a thick beard.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ramazan Ve Ramazan Bayramının İngilizce Türkçe Anlatımı

Ramazan Ve Ramazan Bayramının İngilizce Türkçe Anlatımı

Ramadan is 30 days.Every day fasting starts at sahur (a meal taken just before dawn during Ramadan) And finishes at iftar..During daytime, We mustn’t eat and drink. The main reason why religious festivals are not celebrated on the same days every year is because they are calculated according to the lunar calendar called “kameri takvim”.According to the Kameri calendar, Ramadan is celebrated on the first three days of the month Seval. Festival of ramadan, people visit neighbours, relatives and friends . Young people kiss their parents’ hands and receive best wishes and blessings from them. It is a tradition to give money or little gifts to those childreen who kiss one’s hands. Candies are served to visitors during Ramadan. That is why Ramadan is also called the “Sugar Festival. In the beginning, sweet foods were only served on Nevruz, but this gradually became a general tradition which spread to all other festivals and festival days.
during Ramadan, people come together, celebrate and entertain each other. In cities and villages, children and young people in particular meet each other at festival places and have fun. Festival areas resemble fairs in these days.
The Ramadan festival comes after one month of fasting. the fasting month is known as Ramadan Month. in summer when nights are shorter, people who fasted did not sleep after dinner but waited until sahur (a meal taken just before dawn during Ramadan). In this period, people orgainised many different forms of entertainments. Karagöz and ortaoyun were examples of Ramadan shows. In rural areas, people gathered in houses and in coffee houses where wandering minstrels used to play instruments and sing.

Ramazan 30 gündür. Hergün oruç sahurla başlar ve iftarla biter.Gündüz boyunca yiyip içemeyiz.Dini bayramların her yıl aynı gün kutlanmamasının nedeni ,bayram tarihlerinin kameri takvime göre hesaplanmasıdır. Kameri takvime göre,Ramazan bayramı her yıl Şevval ayının ilk üç günü kutlanır. Ramazan Bayramında ,insanlar komşularını,akrabalarını, arkadaşlarını ziyaret ederler.Gençler yaşlıların ellerini öperler ve hayırlı dilekler alırlar..El öpen çocuklara para yada küçük hediyeler vermek bir gelenektir..Ramazan boyunca misafirlere şeker ikram edilir.Ramazanın”şeker bayramı”diye söylenmesinin nedeni bundandır. Başlangıçta tatlı yiyecekler sadece nevruzda ikram edilirdi fakat zamanla diğer bütün bayramlarda da ikram edilmesi geleneksel oldu. Ramazan boyunca insanlar bir araya gelir ve bayramı kutlar eğlenirler.Şehirlerde ve köylerde çocuklar ve genç insanlar bayram yerlerinde buluşur, eğlenir,iyi vakit geçirir.Bu günlerde bayram yerleri fuar yerlerine benzer.
Ramazan bayramı oruç ayından sonra gelir.Oruç ayı ramazan ayı olarak bilinir.yazın geceler kısa olduğu için, insanlar iftardan sonra uyumuyordu ve sahuru bekliyordu.(sahur:ramazan boyunca şafaktan önce yenilen yemek )bu zaman da insanlar geceleri birçok farklı eğlence organize ediyorlardı.karagöz ve orta oyunları ramazan gösterilerine örnektir.köylerde insanlar evlerde ve kahvehaneler de toplanırlar.Şarkı çalıp söylerler


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