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Saturday, April 29, 2023

İngilizce iş başvurusu ve İngilizce Mektup Örnekleri

İngilizce iş başvurusu ve Türkçe İngilizce Mektup Çeşitleri

Friendly Letter / Arkadaşlık Mektubu
506 Country Lane
North Baysville, CA 53286
December 16, 2004
Dear Susan,
It feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you. I know it’s only been several weeks since I saw you. So far my summer has been great!
I spend my all my weekends at the beach. I am getting a nice tan and you can no longer say I am paler than you. I have been playing lots of volleyball, surfing and building a nice collection of sea shells. Just this past weekend I took second place in a sandcastle building contest!
On the weekdays I work. I drive an ice cream truck around and sell ice cream to the kids. It is so cool. It is a combination of the two things I love most, ice cream and kids. The pay isn’t too great but I love the job so much.
I hope the summer’s been going well for you too. There’s only a month and a half left in summer vacation and after that it’s back to school. Would you like to meet up some time to before school starts?
Your friend,

Making a complaint Şikayet Mektubu
112 Victoria Road
Essex CM1 3FF
Tel: 01245 33433
Allan Deal Builders
35 Green St
Essex CM3 4RT
ref. WL/45/LPO 13/6/2000
Dear Sirs,
I confirm my phone call, complaining that the
work carried out by your firm on our patio last
week is not up to standard. Large *****s have
already appeared in the concrete area and
several of the slabs in the paved part are
unstable. Apart from anything else, the area is
now dangerous to walk on.
Please send someone round this week to redo
the work. In the meantime I am of course
withholding payment.
Yours faithfully,
W. Nicholas Cotton

Refarans Mektubu Örneği:
Sample reference letters written by the employer.
I was a candidate for a position with the organization as a Mr.Bulut O …. I want to suggest. 2012 – The staff of his position as an assistant, office 2006 used in the cloud.Mr.Bulut did an excellent job in this position, and during his tenure with the office was an asset to our organization. He is an excellent oral and written communication skills, highly organized, work independently and be able to follow through to ensure that the job gets done.
During her tenure with XXXX, Bradley was responsible for overseeing the department office assistants. These assistants, under the direction of Mis. Ayşe, the office responsible for most of the basic administrative and clerical functions. Cloud various aids to maintain effective office operations planned and managed efficiently.
Mr.Bulut is always willing to offer her help and customers, employers and other professional organizations, including the office was a perfect fit with many components provided by. He will be an asset to any employer and I recommend her for any endeavor she chooses to pursue.
Jane Smith

Sample Job Application Letter
John Donaldson
For eight Sue
Smithtown, CA 08067
john.donaldson @
Bulut O…
XYZ Company
87 Delaware Road
Hatfield, CA 08065
Dear Mr. Gilhooley
I am writing to apply for the position of programmer Times Union declared. As requested, a completed job application, my certification, enclosing my resume and three references.
This is a very interesting opportunity offered in the list, and my strong technical experience and education will make me believe that a candidate for this position is very competitive. The most important for success in this position with a strong following:
I live use applications successfully designed, developed and supported
I am constantly striving for excellence
Provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all the customers I
With a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Programming, a software development project have a full understanding of the full life cycle. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.
For more information, see about my experience in my resume.
bulut,o… @ I or my cell phone, can be accessed at any time by e-mail at 909-555-5555.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.
MR. Bulut O….
Sizin Şehir, Eyalet, Posta Kodu
Telefon Numaranız
Şehir, Eyalet, Posta Kodu
Sevgili Bay. Ms /. Soyad:
Ben XYZ reklamı Koordinatörü konumda ilgileniyorum.Benim özgeçmiş yorumunuzu için eklenmiştir. Benim ile ilgili deneyim ve mükemmel yetenekleri göz önüne alındığında bu iş açılış için göz seviniriz. Benim becerileri bu pozisyon için ideal bir maç vardır.
Sizin Koşullar:
, Kayıt yönetimi müşteri sorunlarını çözme, bölüm politikalarının risk yönetimi ve acil, uygulama ile ilgili de dahil olmak üzere Öğrenci Merkezi ve diğer tesislerde akşam işlemleri, sorumludur.
Işe, eğitim ve personel yönetimi ile yardımcı olur. Istatistik ve envanter Koordinat.
Öğrenci kadrosu ve güçlü kişiler arası becerilerin denetiminde deneyimi de tercih edilmektedir.
Iyi sürüş kaydı ile geçerli Minnesota ehliyet. Gerekli farklı sitelere seyahat yeteneği.
Üniversite programlama ve yönetim deneyimi.Benim Nitelikler:
Kursları, tasarım ve program yazılım yönetmek müşteri sorunlarını çözmek, bölüm politikaları uygulamak ve öğrencileri, öğretim üyeleri ve personel için bir kişi olarak hizmet için öğrencilerin kayıt olun.
Kiralama, eğitim, planlama ve personel yönetimi, yönetmek tedarik stok ve sipariş.
NTSA defansif sürüş sertifikası ile Minnesota ehliyet.
Üniversite programlama ve yönetim konusunda geniş deneyime.
Mükemmel kişilerarası ve iletişim becerileri.Ben senin benim kimlik ve deneyim gözden geçirmek için zaman ayırdığınız için teşekkür ederiz. Yine, göz için teşekkür ederiz.

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