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Friday, April 28, 2017

Papağanın Parrot İngilizce Tanıtımı


Parrots about information
African Gray Parrot
The African Gray Parrot (Psittacus erithacus) is a very talkative, intelligent, and
sensitive bird. It may be the best talker of all the birds, easily learning
hundreds of words and other sounds. These parrots have been kept as pets since
ancient times, when the Romans wrote about them.In
the wild, this parrot lives in large flocks. They are native to western and
central Africa in lowland rainforests, clearings, savannas, and villages. They
mate for life. There are two subspecies of African Grays, including the African
Gray Congo (illustrated above) and the African Gray Timneh (it is smaller and
darker). The African Gray Parrot has a life span of up to 50 to 65 years.

Anatomy: The Congo African Gray Parrot is
about 13 to 16 inches (33 – 41 cm) long. They have a wing span of about 18 to 20
inches (46 – 52 cm). They weigh about a pound (450-550 g). These parrots have
gray feathers, white patches around the eyes, and red tail feathers. The curved
bill is dark gray. The males and females are hard to distinguish.
Eggs and Chicks: There are 3 to 5 eggs
in each clutch (a set of eggs laid in one nesting period). The eggs are laid in
a tree cavity high above the ground. The female incubates the eggs for 30 days,
and the male feeds her. Both parents will feed the chicks.
Diet: African Gray Parrots eat seeds, berries, nuts, and fruit.

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