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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Çiçeğin yapısı Çiçeğin Biyolojisi İngilizce

Çiçeğin yapısı Çiçeğin Biyolojisi İngilizce

Flower Biology Flowering occurs in plants with particular climatic changes such as sunny, cold, dry or drought conditions. In conducive growing conditions plant size and foliage increase, but many flowers are not produced.
Flowers are the reproductive organs of a plant. Sexual reproduction in plants is enabled by flowering and is a sign of plant survival. Some plants do not require reproduction by flowering but reproduce by sending out runners eg., strawberry, and form identical plants. This form of propagation is termed asexual reproduction.

Did you know? Sepals and petals are the sterile parts of flowers. When these are similar in size and shape, they are termed ‘Tepals’.
Structure and function of flowers The male gametes in flowers are the pollen, while ovules are the female gametes. Pollen from one plant fertilizes the ovules of another plant through flowers, in the cross-fertilisation method of reproduction.

A flower’s male parts are the Stamens and female parts are the carpels. Though, most plants produce flowers that have both male and female reproductive parts, separate male and female flowers bloom in some plants.
Study the parts of a simple flower with reference to the location and function of the parts given in the following details.
Sepals Generally green colored exterior protective coverings of a flower. Petals Mostly colored to attract pollinating insects and are framed by sepals. Nectar The sweet liquid at the base of petals that attracts insects. Stamens Pollen producing male organs that include the anther and supporting filament. Carpels Female organs that produce ovules inside the ovary, which is attached to the style and stigma.

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