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Tuesday, February 21, 2017



How to Play Vife Stones Beştaş Nasıl Oynanır
Step 1: Players sit around a table or on the ground. The first player throws all five stones randomly on the ground/table. The trick is to scatter them just enough to enable easy reach later on.
Step 2: Pick up one of them, position your hand over an existing stone. Whilst throwing a stone, pick up one stone and catch the stone in the air before it falls to the ground. Do this for each of the stones on the ground.
Step 3: Repeat step 2 but pick up two stones at a time.
Step 4: Repeat step 2 but pick up three stones first before picking up the final one.
Step 5: Throw all five stones. Pick up four stones whilst one stone is in the air and catch it before it falls to the ground.
Step 6: Whilst throwing one stone, place the four on the ground. Throw one stone up again and catch it whilst picking all four stones on the ground.

Step 7: Throw all five stones on the ground. Pick two stones. Throw one in the air and exchange the other with one on the ground. (yes this is tough!) Do the same with the remaining stones on the ground.
Step 8: Throw the two stones held at the end of Step 7. Pick up one stone and then catch the two falling stones separately in each hand. Do this until there is three stones in one hand and two in the other. Throw the two stones and catch it separately. Throw the remaining stone and catch it with the hand that has all the stones.
Step 9: Throw all five stones on the ground. The opponent selects a stone to be thrown in the air. The player has to pick this stone without moving any others. The player throws the stone in the air and picks the remaining on the ground in one clean sweep.
If at any point of time the player fails to complete this sequence of nine steps, he/she will have to forfeit his turn to his opponent. If his/her opponent’s fails to complete the sequence, the player will restart the step where he/she failed to complete.

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