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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Johannes Gutenberg İngilizce Hayatı

Biographies Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. While this may not sound like a big deal at first, the printing press is often Considered as the most Important Invention in modern times. Important Information Think about how is today. Without books and computers you would not be able to learn, to pass on information, or to share scientific discoveries. Prior to Gutenberg inventing the printing press, making a book was a laborious process. It was not that hard to write a letter to one person by hand, but to create Thousands of books was nearly impossible for many people to read. Without the printing press, we would not have had the Scientific Revolution or the Renaissance . Our world would be very different. 
Where did Johannes Gutenberg grow up? 

Johannes was born in Mainz, Germany around the year 1398. He was the son of a Goldsmith. Not a whole lot more is known about his childhood. It appears he moved to Germany around a few times, but that’s about all is known for sure. 
What did Gutenberg invent? 
Gutenberg took some existing technologies and some of his own inventions to come up with the printing press in the year 1450. One key idea he came up with was moveable type. Rather than use wooden blocks to press ink onto paper, the Gutenberg moveable metal pieces used to quickly create pages. He made all the way through the printing process innovations enabling pages to be printed much more rapidly. His presses could print vs. 1000′s of pages per day. 40-50 with the old method.This was a dramatic improvement and allowed books to be acquired by the middle class and spread knowledge and education like never before. The Invention of the printing press spread rapidly throughout Europe and soon Thousands of books were being printed on printing presses. 
What books were first printed by the Gutenberg pres
It’s thought that the first printed item was a German poem from the press. Other prints included for the Catholic Church in Latin Grammars and Indulgences. Gutenberg’s real fame came from producing the Gutenberg Bible. It was the first time a Bible was mass produced and available for anyone outside of the church. Bibles were rare and could take up to a year for a priest to transcribe. These Gutenberg printed in a r

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